GTOT Prize 2023

GTOT Prizes 2023 for outstanding theses and dissertations in the fields of Turkology, Ottoman Studies and Turkish Studies

For the third time, the Society for Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies (GTOT) awarded the GTOT Prize for Outstanding Theses in the Fields of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish Studies to junior researchers.

The committee members for the dissertation prize were:

Christoph K. Neumann (Orient-Institut Istanbul) and Gül Şen (University of Bonn) (Chair)
Elife Biçer-Deveci (University of Nuremberg-Erlangen)
Kerem Öktem (Ca’ Foscari Univ. of Venice)
Anna Vlachopoulou (LMU Munich)

The committee members for the prize for the best master theses were

Hülya Celik (Ruhr University Bochum) (Chair)
Marc Aymes (CETOBaC, Paris)
Philip Bockholt (University of Münster)
Neslihan Demirkol (University of Münster)
Onur İnal (University of Vienna)
Özgür Kolçak (Istanbul Üniversitesi)
Aylin de Tapia (University of Freiburg)

GTOT is pleased to present the 2023 Prize winners:

Best dissertation in the field of Ottoman Studies

Jovo Miladinović (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2021): Heroes, Traitors, and Survivors in the Borderlands of Empires Military Mobilizations and Local Communities in the Sandžak (1900s-1920s)

Best M.A. thesis in the field of Turkish Studies

Bérénice Bernard (École de la recherche de Sciences Po Paris2022): Acteur et enjeux du développement du système préscolaire en Turquie (1968-1993)

Best M.A. thesis in the field of Ottoman Studies

Ömer Faruk İlgezdi (Sabancı University, 2020): Imagining Rūm in Mamluk Cairo. ʿAbd Al-Bāsiṭ Al-Malaṭī and the Ottoman Domains