The award commission under the chairwoman Catharina Dufft granted five GTOT awards for outstanding theses and dissertations
in the field of Turkic, Ottoman and Turkish studies.
Two PhD theses and three Master’s theses were awarded the GTOT prize.
PhD theses:
Barbara Henning: Narratives of the History of the Ottoman-Kurdish Bedirhani Family in Imperial and Post-Imperial Contexts: Continuities and Changes. Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg (published in the series Bamberger Orientstudien at University of Bamberg Press 2018).
Charlotte Joppien: Culture of Everyday Politics – Politics of Everyday Culture. An Inquiry into Municipal Politics in Konya and Eskisehir. Macquarie University Sidney (published with Routledge 2018).
Master theses:
Léa Delmaire, Construction et déconstructions d’une maladie sociale. Les politiques de lutte contre la tuberculose en Turquie (1948-1960). Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po (CHSP), Paris.
Dominik Pollner: Europe’s gatekeeper: a dialectical analysis of Turkey’s signing of the March 2016 Agreement. Europa-Univerity Viadrina in Frankfurt an der Oder and Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities off Istanbul Bilgi University.
Rashid Rysaev. Ïrk Bitig – ein volksreligiöses Orakelbuch oder ein manichäisches Werk? Inhaltliche und sprachliche Analyse der Handschrift unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der religiösen Lage Zentralasiens im 8.- 10. Jahrhundert. Georg-August-University Göttingen.
The award ceremony took place at the Turkologentags 2018 in Bamberg. Laudationes were held by Catharina Dufft for the PhD awards and Maurus Reinkowski for the Master’s awards.